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Velg et vaskemiddel designet for bruk på silke (vi anbefaler pH-nøytralt flytende vaskemiddel). Det er viktig at du bruker et vaskemiddel som ikke inneholder enzymer eller blekemiddel som vil skade silkeproduktene dine. Maskinvaskes kaldt på en skånsom syklus. Når det gjelder tørking av silke, er lufttørking ideelt.
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I did not buy for lounging but for real "going out" flowy pants. They are great as far as fabric, etc., but really short for long pants. I checked on the web site and there are no dimensions for sizes (bought L), so I guess that's my fault. However, they are just want I wanted. I put on a panty girdle that is not slippery so I can just pull them down below the waist to wear with a long flowy top. They stay put even when sitting so I guess that is how I will wear them. I just wish you had shown size dimensions. My fault so will keep them.
great should have had it a long time ago
Love it! My skin feels better. I love the feel of it
Very pleased and have since purchased 2 more products which I am also very pleased with.
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